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& Tune Your Soul!

Your Kingdom come
Your Will be done on the Earth
as it is in the Heaven..
Jesus' prayer

The blog

This blog is a non-linear, non-consecutive notice. Articles around here contain links to each other or to the associative Internet URL.
I wanted to write down and share the latest information and biblical insights I have gathered in my 5+ years of traveling in EU, learning about the Church and mainly: to study and get to know the Kingdom of God better... Seeing the Kingdom of Heaven, which many want to achieve by earthly means and according to their own imagination... The Kingdom - which, despite these human efforts - is graciously and abundantly poured out by the lavish grace of Gd, secured by the precise teachings of Jesus...
Jesus Christ makes it clear:
“My kingdom is not of this world”
Jn 18:36

The Purpose of the Blog

  • Are you challenged by the noise of the world and the modern disinformation of the internet?
  • Do you want to understand how to find a path and fervour in your Christian community?
  • Are you enthusiastic and willing to learn to see authentic actors in your small groups?
  • Are you a dedicated leader who wants to see other authentic, dedicated people around you?
  • Do you want to see breakthroughs in the society around you, saving and nurturing the different strata of the village/town community in their journey of Christian faith?

The domain

I believe that in this increasingly noisy and chaotic world, the Christian man & woman has yet to see the foundations laid by Christ.
These principles are clearly visible if we observe the master as he prays and as he acts. His main statement is that the Kingdom of God has come. Christ has not only proclaimed it but has expressed it in countless ways. He speaks of this, for example, through the letter of the Apostle Peter when the Word mentions the royal priesthood as a representative. 1Peter 2:9 This teaching is very far from the modern, perverted image of the priesthood and the merely talking model in the Protestantismus. The Kingdom is the domain of Gd. The kingdom is the radiation of his Holines, Might and His Heart, represented by worship, adoration, prayer and charity, mercy in action. The Priestly manner is the base for our priestly life.

My Journey

In my spiritual journey I have encountered various useful (working) model in concrete situations. I also found some surprisingly neglected aspects of Protestant spiritual life.
Although the Jesus model and the apostolic teaching call all peoples to salvation, I have been shocked to find that the New Testament is represented by many as a kind of "Reformed Jewish" system. I also found a fundamental lack of understanding of the adopted new life, the heritage (Tit 3:7; Jms 2:5; 1Pt 3:7), the authority of the Christian Life, and last but not least: I found a great need: restoring the function and dignity of the Melchizedek priesthood. Since Christ is the High priest according to the order of Melchizedek – we are the priesthood in this order. (Heb 7:11-19 and 1Pt 2:9)

Do you want the original one?

It seems that some of the basic aspects of our ID, some original, apostolic doctrine should be refreshed and taken literary as a timeless model. I found that the apostolic "lifestyle" and some teaching on our personal life form are practised only symbolically, meanwhile they are to represent the core of the believer's daily life in the Kingdom. As for me: they are the real motivating tasks and I believe this is the only narrow path for the Christian man/woman today.
That is why much of this blog focuses on the New Self, the general Priestly identity of Christians and its many expressions in the Adoration and Worship Culture.


I would also like to share dozens of biblical testimonies about our adopted and accepted life in Christ and sharing couple of directions to our priestly service - regardless of protestant or other religious approaches.
I have visited various church communities, fellowships, home groups and got to know "Western" forms of Protestantism up close.
In this way I have some thoughts that have been formed about the Kingdom of the Lord in the Heaven and His wife, the Church on the Earth. As it usual is: the Lord has been teaching me about Himself and myself.

Re-formation is not a historical event

Surprisingly: These "ideas" are not new, nor revolutionary, but they often seek the Re-formation: not an approach to theology, not understanding the 2nd 3rd century of church... but an understanding of the apostles' mindset, heart, "asking" them as contemporaries: why they think, why they talk the way they do.
And basically, asking for the Lord's help on perspective and wisdom.

His Kingdom

The letter kills. (2Cor 3:6) The Spirit of the Holy gives Life. The mere letter brings thesises into the existentialist structure. Meanwhile Jesus says:
My kingdom is not of this world..
Seek first his Kingdom...

or: Your Kingdom come... it is in the Heaven..
I must repeat this sentence, because I truly believe that Jesus's priestly prayer has the main keys to the powerful life and His authority starts with the authority of the kingdom.
Do you want to live in His authority to be light, to save people's life, to raise a flag/banner over the nations?(Isa 5:26; 11:12)
Then the Kingdom is not a parable for you.
When Jesus appeared on the earth and started his active service, he immediately focused on the Heavenly Kingdom. He proclaimed: the Kingdom has arrived. (Mt 12:28)
This is the seal of His ID. Jesus is the King and "Kingdom" means: His authority.
His Kingdom starts with His Throne. On the Earth - as it is in the Heaven.
And some faithful understands this. The Throne is being built through the adoration, praise, worship, proclamation, visions, plans, commands, by executive powers, representatives... heavenly and earthly realms.

Let us remember one of the most important representatives of the divine kingdom on earth, Israel's greatest king-prophet, David. He had so much desire to be with the Lord, so much need to live according to His mighty heart, that he built a tent for the personal worship, for adoration, praise and honor, and for the representation of his worship before the nation.
He did this despite the fact that he was an Israelite king, and it is a capital offence under the Mosaic Law, as only a desig­nated person on duty can do this. He did this because his faith was rooted to his close relationship with Gd Almighty. He was a great leader, representing a great model of the dependent godly person.
David was a great leader,
representing a great model
His reward? A new, glorious dynasty, a new prophetic and political financial line, a new free status for his nation, new healthy connections and prosperous country - with confrontations among the un-godly.
Every challenge, emerging by the newly connected {or: dis­connected} human society, or every questions in the {virtual} marketplace, or every communication forms in this millennium - derived from the Worldly Domain.
Meanwhile, every eternal power, authority, richness and infinite beauty was given us from/by the Heavenly Kingdom, for His glory. will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8
..everything is yours — whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas {Peter} or the world or life or death or things present or things to come — everything is yours, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.
1Cor 3:21-23
..we always pray for you that our God will consider you worthy of His calling, and will, by His power, fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified by you, and you by Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
2Thess 1:11

We can see: The believers community is the glorious representative of the Kingdom. This is Our privilege: being the representative of the Kingdom.
According to the apostolic mindset We, Christians represent
• The daily, continual tasks of the Priesthood { continual adoration, honor, prayer, worship}
• The real, heavenly, caring family with storge and filia love, plus, radiated shared agape love around us}
• The incarnate Word {based on the proclaimed recorded word} in bodily form, in mercy and grace, via missional activities
We, Christians represent..
Our Father, the Mighty Gd, the Holy Provider gives the source of our ID. HE has been graciously giving the Holy Spirit for our earthly wandering. The Church family is our spiritual Home. The Son has given us a new life, but he also provided a prayer model, an intimate communication, a way that shows us the balance of life, eg. how to focus on heavenly tasks and our daily tasks.
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The blog quotes from various articles. In each case, the header or footer will highlight the sources.
In case no source is indicated, the article is the work of Péter Ágoston. In this case it can be freely cited with the following comment:
"Source: Copyright © TuneAndPrepare blog by Peter Agoston"
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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, HCSB®, and Holman CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
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Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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