

We have left 2020 behind us. Everyone has probably seen and heard fake and untrue news on TV, on the internet or from people they know in the immediate vicinity.
The time has come when not only images but also video material can be created almost completely altering the original information or character. Different words than the original are put into people's mouths in the media, different gestures are made, small differences, big differences, not conveying quite the same original thinking. Not quite the same & almost the original. This is the alchemy of the liar.

Since the Scriptures are the Word of the Everlasting God, it is not surprising that they prophetically foretell the events that are to come. Therefore, we can anticipate that the lies of the evil one will spread in many new areas and in new ways. John point to this in the Revelations:
A mouth was given to him to speak boasts* and blasphemies. He was also given authority to act..
Rev 13:5
*"a mouth to utter proud words" or "great-things-sayer" mouth

Satan joyfully uses the media. This is the environment where so many thing could happen without the faintest possibility to check the real facts. Many of them are plainly idols – connected to our wishes ("demand" is key word) to our desires to our pre tuned mindset or cultural biases. Cast images of the real, false gods of our nativities. Habakuk once said:
What use is a carved idol after its craftsman carves it? It is only a cast image, a teacher of lies.
Hab 2:18
Jesus was engaged in a very real savage and deadly struggle with those who lived and ruled in their own image. Ostensibly representing the rule/Law of God but serving someone else. Their rule was given a completely secular basis: status quo and ritual background. Fame and Rank. When He, the One arrived these people's status was fundamentally shaken. So they united against Jesus. And He was really concerned about them:
You are of your father the Devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of liars. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.
Jn 8:44-45


Anti is a Greek word, probably familiar to everyone through the term: "antichrist". However, its exact meaning is not clear to many: in what sense the Greek word is used in apostolic teaching, in what sense Satan functions as "anti-", and finally, in what form it occurs, unfortunately, in common practice.

Okay, let me start, first I'll show you a map, the simplest example of the anti: According to these, the "anti" is the opposite of the original, (eg. in front of the island), the antithesis, the copy of the thesis or original thing, idea. In common parlance, it does not necessarily mean evil, merely "not A but B". However, as Satan's instrument, it is a copy of the original,the "seemingly good". This is the most dangerous lie, a look-alike, a whimsical, half-truth speech, a slippery slope argument, a red "apple" with poison...

Look alike or mimicking

to be continued ..

· The Zizanion
· Do not mingle!
· Collective Responsibility

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