Our Father in the Heaven

It is a well-known prayer even for non-Christians. However, not many people know that it is basically a prayer pattern and not a mantra that loses its meaning after a while. Many people today pray it auto­matically. But Jesus the King prays it systematically. Some of the phrases below even need to be updated for the better under­standing of meaning.

We must see that Jesus Christ showed this pattern to his disciples to give them a framework for their daily prayer. It is a preference & reference too: for Jesus, the key issue is that God's names be known and His Kingdom be here on Earth in the splendour and power as it is in Heaven. In other words - that the Heaven would touch Earth and Gd's restoration would be at work. When Heaven touches the Earth our perspective is restored.
We can read in Mt 6:9-13:
Our Father in the Heaven:
Who dwells in the Heaven in the heavenly Realm, sitting on the Throne, ruling the Universe with Your Son, Jesus, Who is sitting at your right hand.
Yours, Lord, is the greatness,
the power, the glory,
the victory and the Majesty,
for everything in Heaven & Earth is Yours.
Yours, Lord, is the kingdom;
You are exalted as Head over all.
1 Chronicles 29:10-13

Hallowed be Your Name:
that they may declare in Zion
the name of the LORD,
and in Jerusalem His praise

Be your Name/s, {your identity}* recognised, known, feared, acknowledged, accepted, respected & reflected. Be Your name visible, present
by/through Your Holy Spirit's work,
by the work of your Voice,
by supernatural marks and signs, through life saving events,
by/through Your priesthood - nation
Be Your Mighty Name feared and honored in Your Family & on the Earth:
*Each and every one of Your names are to reveal a different part of Your character/heart.
• The Elohim, JHVH - the Creator God. {Isa 42:5–9; Ps 33:8-9; Colossians 1:16}
Elohim is the name of God used in the Elohist and Priestly sources, while Yahweh is the name of God used in the Jahwist source in the Old Testament. {Ps 33:8-9}
• The Alpha and Omega "Beginning & End" {Revelation 1:8, 21:6, and 22:13}
• The El Olam - "Everlasting God" Gen 21:33-34; Lam 5:19; Heb 1:11-12
• The El Elyon - "God Most High"
Gen 14:18-20; Ps 57:2-3;
• The El Shaddai - "God Almighty" Jer 32:17,20 (b); Jer 32:27 !
• The El Roi - "God Who Sees" {Ps. 33:13-15; Jer 17:9; guidance: Jn 14:16; 16:7-8}
• The JHVH Sabbaoth - the "Lord of Hosts {armies}" Peter says: Jesus is that!
Isa 8:12-13 → 1Pt 3:15: "in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord.." of Hosts! → Is 8:12-13 .."He will be your sanctuary"
• Wonderful Counselor Holy Spirit
Isa 9:6; John 16:8
Spirit of Adoption:
because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
Gal. 4:7
We are to respect You, adore You, and fear You in all 3 forms of Your Deity & Your Holiness.
• "Gd of Israel"
Is 59:20! ← We, adopted, are to pray for the 1st born! Lord please give them clear vision & facts about the Messiah. → Hos 6:6 the knowledge of our Lord • The JHVH Nissi - the "Banner" name {Exodus 17:13–16} "My refugee" or "My Exaltation" (lit. 'hoist')
• The JHVH Jire (lit. "the LORD will see to it) Gd Who provides" {Gen 22:15}
• The Echad, the Unity, the One
We're to reflect: 1 Corinthians 1:10
• The JHVH Shammah - "IS there/dwells among us" {Ez 48:35} → Immanuel {Isa 7:14; Mt 1:23; Ps 46:5;}
• The JHVH Shalom - "our Peace" name
• The JHVH Tsidkenu - "our Righteousness"{Jeremiah 23:5-6; Heb 12:11}
My righteousness comes from Your blood: righteousness – with peace. ⇓ Judgement: suspended
Righteousness exists in work, – by peace:
The harvest of righteousness is grown from the seed of peace, planted by peace makers
Jms 3:18
His righteousness has authority:
• You are the Prince of Peace {4} Isa 9:6; Ps 72:7; Eph 2:14 • You are the Prince of Peace
Isa 9:6; Ps 72:7; Eph 2:14
• You are the Master
Discipline + righteousness:
all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Heb 12:11
• The JHVH Rapha - the "Healer" name
• Abba - The "Everlasting Father" {Isa 9:6; Mk 14:36}
• JHVH Jire - "Gd Who provides" anything in various forms:
Gen 22:15; 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
Lord, You can give Wisdom:
• You're the Counselor
• The JHVH Rohi - the "Shepherd" → who is "The Door" also
And Yeshua is the Good Shepherd. {Jn 10:7, 11, 14} Let His Yeshua name (Rescue, save; Deliver) & Messiah (Anointed Savior King) rank be respected as the only Holy Reality.
Please come to us, Live with us, Master!
You are the High- High Priest! The High- High King!

Your Kingdom come:
Your ruling power come with holiness, truth, justice, righteousness,
with purity, integrity, honor,– with heavenly wisdom, truthfulness, honesty –
Pls come with goodness, grace & mercy, release, forgiveness, joy & full, redemptive influence around us.
Your authority be recognised, accepted, obeyed & executed as it's coming.

Your will be done:
• be understood through the Scriptures
• be revealed by heavenly briefing, together with meditation, prophecy or prophetic visions & acts, preaching, teaching and prayer, in sync with Your Word.
• be commanded, executed and visible by the heavenly army in the air and by the Faithful on the Earth, by the earthly Leaders and Kings. {1Tim 2:1-2}
Let it be shaped and achieved & finished
• by the original beauty, holiness and presence of the throne
• by the heavenly army in the invisible world and by the Faithful as it is growing and developing in the visible world through your priesthood - nation.
Let it be shaped and achieved & finished by the heavenly army and by the Faithful as it is growing and developing in the visible world through your priesthood - nation.

On the Earth as it is in the Heaven:
Let it be done - by the exact shape, power & authority of the Heaven, by the original beauty, holiness and presence of the Throne.

Give us today our daily bread:
May Your provision spread & act among us, giving us the possibility of working & earning our wage. Let us live & having a life with well maintained body with strength and health. Give us the possibility of giving, a relational network for sharing and practicing the mercy & agape.

Forgive us our iniquities/debts
..as we forgive the debts of our opponents.

Don't draw us into the temptation:
Please spare us in the tests, trials and keep us alive in the trials if they happen. Lead us through the valleys.

Deliver us from the evil:
.. pls. guide us through the trials, don't let us be overwhelmed. Strengthen us with your inner strength and Holy spirit, keeping us separated from the evil one, that we remained intact.

The kingdom is yours
The power is yours
The glory is yours

In the name of Jesus,
Amen, its true and real!
What is happening now in Heaven that Jesus wants to see on Earth? Create a list!

Article URL: Names of Gd
Video: Secrets of the Lord's Prayer - Mark Finley's sermon, YT
Our Father Prayer – resources
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