The Glory and the Gravity of the HOP

My mission statement - 2023-24 TYS Newsletter 
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Glory and Gravity – the HOP Mission

"Gather to me my faithful ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice!"
Psalm 50:5

After these things I will return
and rebuild David’s fallen tent.

I will rebuild its ruins
and set it up again,
so the rest of humanity
may seek the Lord —
even all the Gentiles
who are called by My name,

declares the Lord who does these things,
known from long ago
Act 15:16-18. Cited from Amos 9:11, 12; [Jer. 12:15]

The Noble House of Prayer

We Christians are enormously rich in the Lord - if we learn (sometimes re-learn), how to live/walk in the Lord. He has infinite resources in the Heaven, infinite resources on the Earth – when we fulfil His desire:
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done on the Earth
as it is in the Heaven..
His abundance comes through His mighty Spirit, and by his provisions: trustful connections, "coincidences" and by talented, helpful, devoted individuals who walk and act according to the Heavenly Realm.

We Christians are the Royal Priesthood (1Pt 2:9), we are to maintain the House of Prayer: the place built for the encounter, for the continual adoration, the Perpetual Worship (24-7) “as it is in the Heaven”. This is the place for the adoration, for the honor, also: for interceding prayers, for the pleas.
Mission efforts and church activities in countless areas could be more effective and reach a wider range of people if... if the pleas of the devoted were wrapped in humility, adoration, prayer and worship - according to the Lord's prayer, with respect for Gd and for one another: when the various gifts of various congregations were gathered in unity, presenting their gifts to the Lord in unity, seeing the Royal House in unity.
Just think about the first Pentecost, or the missions by St. Patrick, the place for continual worship in Iona. Remember the early USA national fasting/prayer days, the start of the Yale University, the background of the Alpha course, or the Eastern EU political changes in the end of XX century. To name the few.
We Christians are to maintain the House of Prayer..
We are to invite each other into the House of Prayer
This is the era of the New Testament. We Christians are the "Noble House of Prayer". We are to invite each other into the House of Prayer. The Place is not for some inert cult, nor a stage of the charismaniatic selfish or the privilege of certain monastic culture. It's not for the local church's propaganda. But The Place is the Boiler Room for Adoration, a Place of Honor, a Place of Praise and Worship – per se...! For the Lord's Glory, for the reflection of His Beauty! And it must be Holy, fearful, a purifying and unifying place, with a sole focus on The Everlasting Mighty Gd.
Many congregation maintain its own prayer room, 24-7 – but only few learns from each other, growing their common knowledge according to the 1Cor 13:9 and cultivating and maintaining the place for the Throne: Ps 22:3-5.
We call this: Adoration and Worship Culture
We have a new life with new identity - motivated by Christ's agape love. He gave His spirit for this journey! He gives heavenly goods – we reflect Him!
Every person of responsibility must explore this motivation! The river of Life flows from the Throne!
We are to build, maintain and serve the Throne.

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