Tune Your Soul
Tune Your Spirit

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The Aachen Printen

printen The delicacy has been baked in Aachen since 1820 and only the Printen produced there can be called Aachen Printen.


Textures by PTR Thematically selected photo exhibition, mostly with abstract & black and white images..
More or less organic textures often inter­twined by human influ­ence.

The Castellarnau House

Tarragona, Spain. There was a noble house on this site at the beginning of the 15th century. In 1542, together with other houses in Cavallers Street, it was the residence of Emperor Charles V during his stay in Tarragona.
In 1764, the house became the property of the Castellarnau family who had moved to Tarragona a few years earlier as a result of the marriage, in 1748, of Carles de Castellarnau to Maria Magriñà.

Tune Your Soul

credit: Martin Bender It is a life-nourishing vision in this pre-apocalyptic age, where regeneration of body, soul and spirit is particularly needed.
We need events, weekly occasions where all three areas can be strengthened and function in an integrated way by God. With this, you can help the life of both the individual and the smaller communities, and you can also strengthen your personal relationship with God in the wider community.
Because Tune Your Soul is the first step, leading to the Tune Your Spirit phase.

Museo de la Guitarra

Redondo guitar This museum is not only about Antonio Torres' life and work, but also tells the story of the people who have carried on his Legacy and the overall history of the guitar.

National Gallery in London

A Girl with a Kitten, 1743 This is a Selection from the National Gallery, London.
These are original photos, no flash, colors & lights are not recorded precisely...

About the new background img

choir and orchestra Few of the music lovers know that in a classical orchestra there are not only many different instruments, but that these groups of instru­ments are organi­cally connected to the various human characters who play on them. By this I mean that various musical instruments typically attract a certain specific human character...

Banners Identify Us

He is Before All - Doreen Kellogg The earliest biblical mention of banners occurs in Numbers 1 and 2, where God tells the children of Israel to camp in tribal groups around the tabernacle and to erect banners or standards to identify their clans. Scholars who have studied Jewish tradition suggest that the colors of the tribal banners may have corresponded to the colors of the tribal stones represented in the priest's ephod (Ex. 28:15-21).

The Woozle

Prior to the introduction of the specific term "Woozle effect", the underlying research phenomenon (and connection to the Woozle) dates back over 60 years.
According to Donald G. Dutton, a "Woozle effect", or a "Woozle", occurs when frequent citation of previous publications that lack evidence misleads individuals, groups and the public into thinking or believing there is evidence, and non-facts become urban myths and factoids.


I picked up my 1st camera around 1980,cca. From that time I was just glued in the world of playful lights, black and white compositions & special spots of the nature.

My music

My songs are distributed on the Soundcloud. Grab a chance and enjoy the various genres..


The songs are also available on Bandcamp. Here you can support or buy some ..


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