The Aachen Printen


More or less organic textures often intertwined by human influence.
The Castellarnau House

In 1764, the house became the property of the Castellarnau family who had moved to Tarragona a few years earlier as a result of the marriage, in 1748, of Carles de Castellarnau to Maria Magriñà.
Tune Your Soul

We need events, weekly occasions where all three areas can be strengthened and function in an integrated way by God. With this, you can help the life of both the individual and the smaller communities, and you can also strengthen your personal relationship with God in the wider community.
Because Tune Your Soul is the first step, leading to the Tune Your Spirit phase.
Museo de la Guitarra

National Gallery in London

These are original photos, no flash, colors & lights are not recorded precisely...
About the new background img
Banners Identify Us

The Woozle

According to Donald G. Dutton, a "Woozle effect", or a "Woozle", occurs when frequent citation of previous publications that lack evidence misleads individuals, groups and the public into thinking or believing there is evidence, and non-facts become urban myths and factoids.
My music
