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Diagnosis - Our Sleeping Beauty

Novadays {around the first quarter of the XXI century} the community of the believer reminds us of the sleeping beauty: she is like a dreamer, half asleep, sensing his surroundings but unable to move, unable to get up. She really needs breath from the Prince of Life.
One of the strongest signs of her illness is that She has no control over and around her neighbour­hood. I mean, there's no signs of tender hearted love and compassion towards the poor, towards the neighbours over and around the quarters, the neighbour­hood or in the city where She lives. She's connected to people but She doesn't have the courage and the love to touch and save others. Spiritually I mean: the scent of the Holy is usually not around Her. (2Cor 2:15-16)
Is she totally inactive? No. I don't think so. For example: She practices charity. Yes. Charity helps in the daily life but doesn't really gives change according to the infinite Life. But The Spirit helps and unbounds lives.
Some parts of the body proclaim /preach the Word of Gd – but these parts make no distinction between preaching and teaching, that is, putting into practice the words we hear and giving an example in deeds. Giving a model in character.
The symptoms of this motor problem – i.e. some impact on the Bride's nervous system – are clearly visible in the society among and around us. The Lord Jesus says: You are the salt of the earth... If the salt be tasteless... You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Mt 5:13-16
In the era of noise and misty, false informations the surrounding World really need the embodied message, the original shining, incarnate Love, God's embodied Voice (John 1:9, 14) and the visible tangible representation of Gd and His Grace.

The healing

Lets talk about the healing of the Bride.
First, healing is restoration. Healing is resuscitation {re-vitalizing} on numerous areas. Healing is impossible without the Prince's Breath: the Holy Spirit.
Then I will pour out a Spirit of Grace and prayer on the house of David...
Zec 12:10
This applies to all of God's covenant relationships. When the Lord gives His breath all parts of the Church receives Life. He, the Lord is the unity {Echad or Shammah according to His names}. He gives light and holiness.
All parts of the Church must be united in holiness, purity, immersed in agape love, and nurtured in the multifaceted united community.
Agape is inviting love, devoted love without selfish motivation. On the contrary, the divided community clearly shows that Jesus's teaching is astonishingly actual: The nerve system is poisoned.
Nowadays, some parts of the body are eloquent, without action, others are fervent prayers - inside, in a shell, or building "prayer communities", often without contact with "worldly" people..., another part is a great helper with many human abilities or (sometimes physical) efforts, being sent as "missionaries" but sometimes without knowing the Word... and these precious parts do not really work together in the Unity of the Spirit.
When fellowship and intimacy is restored between the Bridegroom and his Bride, then the Bride's glory and integrity are restored, Her activities are integrated again.
You will no longer be called Deserted, and your land will not be called Desolate;
instead, you will be called My Delight is in Her,
and your land Married;
for the Lord delights in you,
and your land will be married.
For as a young man marries a young woman,
so your sons will marry you;
and as a groom rejoices over his bride,
so your God will rejoice over you.
Is 62:4-5

The incarnate message is Jesus

He, Jesus is the Bridegroom - he's also the incarnate­/embodied message of Redemption. He didn't give us a bunch of philosophical theory, or a constant struggle with the Ten Commands. Rather - He fulfilled the Commands. He himself is The Message, The incarnate Word. He is The Wholehearted Devotee - in action:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the great and first commandment.
The second is like it: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Mt 22:37
... truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota/not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
Mt 5:17 {Lk 16:17}
For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Mt 5:20
We know that He is the High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, far before & above the Law, and accordingly, we the Christ-followers are his servants, the Royal priesthood.
I think He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow (Heb 13:8). He is still compassionate, loving brother, firstborn in the Family. And He is the Ruling King. (Rev. 1:4-5)
I think He is still the great rabi = personal teacher, bilateral educator.
I think He is still our supporter, Royal Provider by various ways - {not simply monetary..}
He is the glorious King of kings
He is The Lord of Hosts
He is robed in splendor and wisdom.
Jesus has a plan "A" and He will finish what he started. When the World is stirred and dying He has a Restoration Plan. He has a calling...
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I'm an artist.

I live with an association centered mindset.

I have no strong consecutive path for thinking.

It means that I can see and understand Gd's original composition by its shape & beauty and I don't want to be lost in "favorite" ages or "trendy" religious details.

I'm a musician & composer. So I deeply understand how composition "works".. because I am able to join the dots when they are not next to each other. I work with synthesys and math modellings. In this way, the Word of Gd, the Complexity of the Beauty is fairly accessible.

This also means that I am rarely understood by linear people.

That is. The one doesn't have to like it.

But we have to try to communicate. Or at least initiate the communication.

This site is a try.

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