Vitalize pack

I'd like to point out: this is definitely not the package that will vitalise your life. It is more likely that personal encounters with the Lord will transform us through the personal advice and grace we receive from Him - with many fruits to come later. God's love & vitality vitalizes our lives.

The pack contains

12 essential teachings
on Christian ID and basics:

The Christian life is the life of the chosen nation. We have a radical new status, based on the blood of the Lamb. We have got an adopted childhood in the Heavenly Family. Meanwhile the Family has a "family business"..

The 'End' of the Law
From Guilt to the Throne
The power of Jesus's blood
The power of the Holy Spirit
Preaching, Teaching – Spiritual Journey..
Filia and Agape
" is good for us"
The Weak Segments..
Spiritual blessings for the faithful

The Tent of Prayer teachings:
The Christian life is the life of the priesthood. Many Protestants believe that because they are not Catholic, there are no priestly rites and roles and no human mediation between humanity and God.
Peter explicitly says that we are a royal priesthood. Christ clearly says: when you pray / when you fast... And Paul and the writer of Hebrews are concerned with the high priesthood of Christ.

The 1Pt 2:9
Praise, Pray, Proclaim
Worship and Respect (chapter)
Priestly ID and task: Melchizedek order
Jesus' two prayer models
God dwells in the praises of His people
Prayer with full confidence
Pray - in truth
Is God Calling Us to Fast?
Our Father in the Heaven
Praying for revival
God's Great Desire
The River of Life

The main subjects are: Timeline, Christian character, Relationships, Communication

Connecting the dots
Christian character
Faith and knowledge/s
We think that we alone can do it
Understanding The Stage FX I - II
Our Incarnate Word

3rd party articles or books:

Parkinson’s Law of Buildings
Grassroots - 3 examples and...
Be Strong and Courageous
Almost Incredible Promises

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