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My mission statement - 2023 TYS Newsletter 
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The Sleeping Beauty

I think, the Lord's Bride is a kind of "Sleeping Beauty" now. Her sleep is somewhat deep, often poisoned by tricky doctrines or growth focused trends. But when the Prince comes, his kiss changes everything and brakes the darkness.. The Bride awakens. When Her beauty is being restored - She radiates!
When Her beauty is being restored
- She radiates!

My vocation is the calling of an educator: Finding, nurturing faith, finding the talents in the environment of the adoration praise and creative worship. I want to encourage, support & boost the members of the "Sleeping Beauty" that She may be more vital, finding his/her way to the Christ: To follow His life, to be active in Christ, that is, to find the way into the Master's sphere and from there out into society.
Every human community consist on various characters - this is the key for the various talents, life pathes & services...
But how could we catch up with that characters? How could we learn from their lifes? What is the inner motivation in apostle Paul's heart when he says:
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
But when the perfect comes, the partial will come to an end.
1Cor 13:9-10

I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.
Rm. 1:11-12

…what is this imprint of reciprocity - behind the apostolic authority and utterly devoted life?
that we may be mutually encouraged
by each other’s faith..

Irrigation & help

Then - our next step is - being a help, we will be a helping hand: helping the irrigation in the dry land, where 'worship' is already reduced to "Sunday Morning Music", where church "service" is {simply} dry, an often: quite inert, on-the-spot gathering.
Inert - I wrote. Sometimes it's inert.., because "stage - auditorium" situation generates consumers, and consumers have nothing to do with love. Neither with the love of Filadelphia nor with the Agape Love and Missional Activity.
This love- and prayer environment nurture the House of Adoration and Worship – alongside the coworking Prayer Workshops.
These places - or tasks - are not so much about living or working in a particular geographical or cultural region. Rather, it is living before the heavenly Throne, "knocking on the Heaven's door" and inviting others into the Kingdom culture by the Christian priesthood activity. Living in His presence, in His love and in His Power. Understanding His Briefing by His Wisdom.

Worship and respect...

Worship is a complex lifestyle in the Scriptures, not an event. Adoration, honor, praise, reverence focuses on the holiness of the majesty, the mightiness, the beauty of the Lord, – this is a constant priestly activity: sacrifice before the Lord, per-se.
When we worship in holiness, unity and agreement, "God dwells among us": JHVH Shammah is his name which also clearly points to the name Immanuel: "Gd is with us".
Gd's names represent His mighty character. Jesus clearly teaches that His Name should be holy before us: "hallowed be Your Name". His prayer model is the base of the everyday priestly prayer and adoration. In respect. In unity. In love.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They collapse and fall,
but we rise and stand upright.
Psalm 20:7-8

Priestly culture

While the priestly dignity and function is completely expropriated by the Catholic leadership culture, the Protestant life is almost completely devoid of the New Testament-based, apostolic, priestly vocation. But we can see this life form, it is taught by Jesus and through His apostles.
Protestants reduced the worship to musical activity and Sunday events, maybe some "encounter nights". These are often self centered events - maintaining kind of childlike habits. Meanwhile the matured Christian ID is a priesthood ID. Many of us already "spilled the baby with the water". Avoiding Catholic practices doesn't mean avoiding the multiplex representation of the royal priesthood, mentioned in the apostolic letters.
This means that the vast majority of Protestants do not want to follow the so called "Catholic interpretation" of the clergy, but They are also filtering out the NT apostolic priestly activities, {described in 1Pt 2:9 or Act2:41-43; 6:4;} and the "Davidic Tent" described in the book of Samuel. The apostles know exactly the connection between Melchizedek, David's tent and God's gravity. {Act 15:13-18}
The modern protestant culture simply forgot the perpetual Priestly tasks and representation, not only reducing the worship to 'musical prep for the sermon' but keeping itself in the tradition of "occasionally-important" prayers, more or less aiming the recent problems, local activities. They are not gazing, adoring, addressing the Heaven and building the Throne's glory. In this way church ceremonies {and the members} became more and more self centered and flesh centered. The rituals has been degraded to experiences for human community, rather than being the constant priesthood, showing honor, giving Praise, being an Incense and Sacrifice for the Heaven. Per Se.
Moreover, only few congregation keeps the bilateral Bible teaching in priority - which is also a priestly task: passing on the representative ID to the next generation.

Melchizedek's line

But good thing and promising change are arriving, when more and more ministries / churches have sound teaching on Melchizedek's priestly order and ministry, as we can read and learn this from Gen 14:18-20, Psalm 110 and we see the connections: the spiritual significance of Heb 7 and 1Pt 2:9.
The churches need more practical help and methodical mentorship in this area of the Christian ID.

If you like: this approach here's an opportunity where we can say: I share what I learnt. We can seek practical models around the world, we already have practical approaches on the daily priestly life. We have partial truth according to the 1Cor 13 {espec. v.9.} - but we are to share that part.


• The millennial generation has lost its interest in written informations and does not read. In 10 years they won't even need to write. This youth never watches a single YT video longer than 1 minute. How do you want to "share the Word"?
• The world around us is noisy - do we need more focused believers, inside, in the family?
• The world gave us the consumer culture. Do we need churchy folks in the auditorium or taught Christians with personal faith?

Final Words, personal testimony

... I have lot of memories testimonies, how the Lord helped /helps His Church toward the way of Throne building, serving His Greater Glory... also a rich experience to reach out and see the Lord's response...
I have seen historical changes during a unified worship period among churches.
personally, ever since that day I found myself, many times, in the presence of the Lord – it's not something to be withdrawn or withheld!
So I will display my greatness
and my holiness and make myself known
in the eyes of many nations.
Then they shall know that I am the LORD.
Ezekiel 38:23

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