Pray - in truth

From Reuben A. Torrey's book: "How to pray"
From the Chapter: Praying and Obeying
Psalm 145:18 throws a great deal of light on the question of how to pray.
The Lord is near unto all those that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.
That little expression "in truth" is worthy of study. If you will take your concordance and go through the Bible, you will find that this expression means “in reality” or “in sincerity.” The prayer that God answers is the prayer that is real — the prayer that asks for something that is sincerely desired.
Much prayer is insincere. People ask for things that they do not want. Many women are praying for the conversion of their husbands who do not really want their husbands to be converted. They think they do, but if they knew what would be involved in the conversion of their husbands, how it would necessitate an entire change in their manner of doing business, and how consequently it would reduce their income and make necessary a complete change in how they live, the real prayer of their hearts would be, if they were to be sincere with God: “O God, do not convert my husband.” They do not want their husbands converted if the conversion comes at so great a cost.
Many churches are praying for a revival that do not really desire a revival. They think they do, for to their minds a revival means an increase of membership, an increase of income, and an increase of reputation among the churches. But if they knew what a real revival meant, what a searching of hearts on the part of professed Christians would be involved, what a radical transformation of individual, domestic, and social life would be brought about, and many other things that would come to pass if the Spirit of God was poured out in reality and power, the real cry of the church would be: “O God, keep us from having a revival.”
Many pastors are praying to be filled with the Holy Spirit who do not really desire it. They think they do, for in their minds, to be filled with the Spirit means new joy, new power in preaching the Word, a wider reputation among men, and a larger prominence in the church. But if they understood what is really involved in being filled with the Holy Spirit — how, for example, it would necessarily bring them into hostility with the world and in opposition to unspiritual Christians, how it would cause their names to be spoken of as evil, how it might necessitate their leaving a good and comfortable living and going down to work in the slums, or even in some foreign land — if they understood all this, their prayer would quite likely be: “O God, keep me from being filled with the Holy Spirit.”
When we come to the place where we really desire the conversion of friends at any cost, when we really desire the outpouring of the Holy Spirit whatever it may involve, when we really desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit no matter what may happen, and when we desire anything in truth and then call upon God for it in truth, God is going to hear.
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