God is Love – 2/3 ..how the three connect a study about divine love and interlocking Christian characters This article is part of the "Vitalize" pack “His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness..” 2Pt 1:3.. Pre In this very beginning I must say that there are a lot of ideas floating around about what the apostles teach about love. On the one hand, this is quite scary (knowing that there are theories about love) but it also gives us a great opportunity to investigate the original viewpoint. From the New Covenant perspective, it is important to note that God's love is much brighter for us than it was in the time of the Old Testament. I'm pro classical musician , learned to interpret the original concept and composition . My wife was a linguist so in such cases {and always} I go to the source rather than the traditional di
Our enemy, satan, tries to make us hate our fellow humans. The apostolic teaching warns: we do not have war on a physical and visible level, but in the invisible, heavenly world. {Eph 6:10} At work, in the marketplace, among rivals, on the battlefield: The "enemy" almost doesn't matter. War always starts with condemning-judging others. But who am I to do so? {Mt 7:1-2} Whoever proclaims a war {by the secular power of any religion/trend} lives in a carnal way, under a battle psychosis. Under judgement. Why? Because it is the means /tools, not just the end that counts. If the fight is physical, the person eventually begins to follow the path of satan and serves it with physical warfare. And he dies. {Jesus warns in Mt 26:52} Since life and death are basically spiritual things, it would make sense to keep all of these in God's power. He gives us grace to have life. {Jn 10:10} He is the way, the truth, the life. {Jn 14:6} The good news is that believers have de
God is Love – 1/3 ..how the two loves are linked A study on divine love and the intertwined Christian character Kindness and faithful love (hesed) pursue me every day of my life. I make my home in the house of YHWH for all time to come. Psalm 23:6 For this is how God loved (agape) the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16 What is Hesed? The word that is translated to “faithful love” is the Hebrew word “ Hesed (or ' checed' ).” This word is translated in other places as “kindness,” “faithfulness,” “mercy,” “goodness,” “loyalty,” and “steadfast love.” God's love for His covenant people in the Old Testament is expressed by the Hesed . This love expressed in the Hebrew texts as hesed we'emet for example in Gen 24:49; 32:11; 47:29; Ex 34:6; Jos 2:14; 2 Sam 2:6; 15:20. However hesed has a narrower definition than the English word " love ". In th