The letter kills
version 1.1
When people get together they obviously want to live according to a common set of values. We always make some minimal rules, even the most "liberal" religious movements follow certain norms to stay together at all. The weaker ones, of course, are always tearing themselves apart (a word is sometimes the cause of contention), and the absolute opposite of love, patience and burden bearing is practised to perfection.
Interestingly, most of us think that the Old Testament is the base of the Christian faith, sometimes adding: "it is a set of rules", contained in the 10 commandments.
This is wrong. The mosaic covenant was made for Israel by the same God who "expects/desires mercy and not sacrifice" (Hos 6:6), who "loves with an everlasting love" (Jer 31:3), who is not pleased with the behaviour of people hiding behind rules and breaking laws (Isa 28:7-10). The latter is always characteristic of communities built on religious forms and rules.
This is how Gd addressed the corrupted, staggering rulers and teachers in Isa 28:9.
They stumble because of beer,
they are muddled in their visions,
they stumble in their judgments.
Who is he trying to teach?
Who is he trying to instruct?
he says: “Law after law, law after law,
line after line, line after line,
a little here, a little there.”
In the same way the merely "principled" Christian community lacks the foundation of personal covenants God has laid down in the Old and New Testament. In this way this "principled" community is not principled, nor taught by the Christ and by the Holy Spirit. The centrality of Christ cannot be understood without the deep intimacy of the Holy Spirit and without the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Gal 5:22; Ef 5:9)
Jesus Christ was introducing the guidance, vision and glorious relationship with the Holy Spirit in this way:
First, let we see how Gd has put down the redemptive dynamics of the Law, then we must learn about the dynamics of the New Covenant.
The Old Testament makes it clear that first: God's will bring us out of slavery in Egypt, then: we will go into "the Land" together.
That's exactly how the Ten Commandments begin, with a premise. We do not go out. We cannot go out. God takes the initiative:
The Ten Commandments were given at the beginning of the migration through the wilderness. Its historical and spiritual basis is a defining one in the history of mankind. But don't forget: Today, Our journey starts with the redemption! I want to underline: The Whole Plan came from Gd Almighty: the Ten Commandment is holy. It gives us the measure of The Holy. It shows the sin bringing death. (Rom 7:7-10) But this process - going out of the past and slavery - is a travelling period (in the human history), a transition to a new era (aeon). The Law is primarily the foundation of a single chosen nation's ID, society and history. The New Testament is straightforward:the Law is not based on faith; instead, the one who does these things (commandments) will live by them. (Gal 3:12) in the very next verse Paul shows the weight of the Law and the power of the Cross:
OK. Do you still want to keep the Law? Or you finally accept your Redeemer mighty work?the New Testament contrasts mere obedience {based on principle} with a faith {based on sonship}. The apostles represented the new reconciled life and the Spirit's works in the believers. Of course, the Pharisees, the scribes did not understand the basics of the new life. This is a strong contrast but also: a huge spiritual confrontation - even today! The apostles write about this confrontation in many places and personally bear the consequences of their teaching when persecuted by local Jewish leaders and scribes. The Pharisees and the Scribes didn't really know what to do with the work of the Holy Spirit. They had only one day per year, only by the High priest, going to the presence of The Holy. But living in the Spirit Who is the seal of a new age? This is a far better covenant and points much further than the glory of the Old Testament and the rise of a single nation.
Apostle Paul is very-very specific and balanced:
But Paul continues:
Here is the significance of the Spirit's work. Today it is a service in us and through us! While the Commands are only a yardstick, today we have a fellowship in a Holy Spirit: this intimate bond brings much greater glory. It transforms us to the image of God according to the original design, and leads us to more and more glory. Moses had veiled face before the nation. The Holy was separated from us. Now: We have unveiled face before the nations. We Christians are the Spirit filled nation.
Martin Luther precisely pointed out that... "It is impossible for the faith not to be doing good things incessantly… unbeliever… knows neither what faith is nor what good works are, yet he talks and talks with many words…"
When we are confronted the never ever ending trend: living by rules, we also encouraged to follow the apostolic spirit filled path into the glory, through glory and righteousness. It's like conquering the land:
In the years of the Exodus it was immediately obvious that there was a majority who looked to the visible and not to God, who was constantly with them in the desert and in their wanderings. This majority looked at the past and the tangible. Only Caleb and Joshua went into the land, occupying and preserving the land. They were walking with God personally, not according to their own human-invented principles but according to the Law plus the promises: The land was waiting for them! And this is a faith - triggered life.
Yes. In the New Testament we, believers are also challenged: Walking by mere principles or with the faithful counsellor, the Mighty Holy Spirit?
The Spirit helps us keeping our eyes open and fixed on the promised land. We have freedom to elaborate it. (2Cor 3:17)
Here, The Word of God is "the Word made flesh". It means thatthe communication has been changed. It means that the word is not a simple word, rule, principle, theory anymore. A transformation took place: the Word came to earth in a completely new form. That personal "form" is the Christ. To reverse this direction is suicide. We are to follow the incarnate Messiah, and the incarnate message. We are the incarnate message since we are Christ followers. We are to bring grace {which is practical} and to bring truth {which is spiritual, doctrinal and moral as well as the representation of the Son}
Despite the "only scripture" - minded peoples the New Testament scripture clearly states thatthe letter kills and the Spirit quickens. Apostle Paul {a real scriptural person BTW} boldly states:
We know that he referred to the Jewish Law in contract with the Pentecostal intimacy. But Paul humbly emphasised that his whole new service is different from his earlier scholar life! His apostolic service depended on the Spirit. In dynamic actions.
God has given a totally new covenant: it is not a bilateral contract like the Mosaic period. This is a much better covenant. It has no human mediator like the Mosaic priestly system, it has a much better high Priest. Here God has paid the redemption finally, unilaterally...
But this new alliance involves more. As we learnt from the apostolic teaching: It is God's glory and deep relationship in the family - plus the seal of God's majestic Spirit.sent the Holy Spirit to build up the church with the Spirit - it's not just a legal union, it's also a family relationship, adoption and sonship. The latter two are marked by a long work of restoration and walking in grace. It is on the basis of this new identity that the maturity of Christian character and maturity and experience in the use of heritage will be seen around us.
Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit who is the "Spirit of adoption". He is the guarantee, adviser to accompany us in our new life, in our inheritance, towards our everlasting inheritance. If Jesus calls the Father an "abba", daddy, we can call him an "abba", daddy:
Jesus himself came in the flesh to restore the relationship between God and man. It is not a matter of theoretical restoration, but of real relationships and personal discipleship.
This is the teaching of Jesus. So Christian believers grow up not primarily in principle but in glory, in love, rooted in acceptance, belonging and restoration. They live in the heritage and progressive responsibility. This is how their giftedness will be seen in their new character. Fruits will only grow in this way, in a holy spirit: later it will be seen in the world.
Herpen, The Nederlands, December, 2024
assoc. articles:
· Luther about incessant faith
· The 1Pt 2:9
· Our Incarnate Word
Principle - based community
It seems to be the most commonly consumed "deadly apple in" the apple black-market. This temptation uses the vulnerable human nature: we want to find stability and safety.Interestingly, most of us think that the Old Testament is the base of the Christian faith, sometimes adding: "it is a set of rules", contained in the 10 commandments.
This is wrong. The mosaic covenant was made for Israel by the same God who "expects/desires mercy and not sacrifice" (Hos 6:6), who "loves with an everlasting love" (Jer 31:3), who is not pleased with the behaviour of people hiding behind rules and breaking laws (Isa 28:7-10). The latter is always characteristic of communities built on religious forms and rules.
This is how Gd addressed the corrupted, staggering rulers and teachers in Isa 28:9.
they are muddled in their visions,
they stumble in their judgments.
Who is he trying to teach?
Who is he trying to instruct?
he says: “Law after law, law after law,
line after line, line after line,
a little here, a little there.”
Jesus Christ was introducing the guidance, vision and glorious relationship with the Holy Spirit in this way:
When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears. He will also declare to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, because He will take from what is Mine and declare it to you.
Jn 16:13-14
Did you, cessationist folks, understand that you build an obstacle to the Spirit of Truth? Your fabrication is against the declaration and the prophetic guidance - not to mention the glory of God.
Jn 16:13-14
Principles driven VS Spirit filled community
Called out..
We are called by God out of the life of principle, {the mosaic law} to a personally disciplined life in Spirit and grace – which is a life-long learning. This is a gift. Not by works, so that no one can boast. This is our base, our kick-start. And our direction too.
It is written in the Prophets: “And they will all be taught by God.”(Is 54:13) Everyone who has listened to and learned from the Father comes to Me..
John 6:45
you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you have knowledge..
1Jn 2:20; are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift — not from works, so that no one can boast.
Eph 2:8-9
But why should I say that the Ten commands are outdated? Is it not a strong statement? John 6:45
1Jn 2:20;
Eph 2:8-9
First, let we see how Gd has put down the redemptive dynamics of the Law, then we must learn about the dynamics of the New Covenant.
That's exactly how the Ten Commandments begin, with a premise. We do not go out. We cannot go out. God takes the initiative:
0. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the place of slavery.
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2 You shall make no idols.
3 you shall not...
This is how cause and effect works in God's plan of salvation. 1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2 You shall make no idols.
3 you shall not...
The Ten Commandments were given at the beginning of the migration through the wilderness. Its historical and spiritual basis is a defining one in the history of mankind. But don't forget: Today, Our journey starts with the redemption! I want to underline: The Whole Plan came from Gd Almighty: the Ten Commandment is holy. It gives us the measure of The Holy. It shows the sin bringing death. (Rom 7:7-10) But this process - going out of the past and slavery - is a travelling period (in the human history), a transition to a new era (aeon). The Law is primarily the foundation of a single chosen nation's ID, society and history. The New Testament is straightforward:
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us, because it is written: "Everyone who is hung on a tree is cursed."
Gal 3:13
Paul, the PhD pharisee knows the core of the Law. This is Holy and we, sinners are under the curse. Meanwhile Christ picked up and bare our sins and our curse.
Gal 3:13
OK. Do you still want to keep the Law? Or you finally accept your Redeemer mighty work?
The confrontation
In this way,Apostle Paul is very-very specific and balanced:
If the ministry of death, chiseled in letters on stones, came with glory, so that the Israelites were not able to look directly at Moses’ face because of the glory from his face — a fading glory — how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness overflows with even more glory.
2Cor 3:7
Note the key words: “ministry of death /condemnation” VS “ministry of the Spirit /ministry of Righteousness”!2Cor 3:7
But Paul continues:
In fact, what had been glorious is not glorious now by comparison because of the glory that surpasses it. For if what was fading away was glorious, what endures will be even more glorious.
2Cor 3:7-11
Brothers, Sisters! We are in the era of the enduring Covenant!
2Cor 3:7-11
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord Who is the Spirit.
2Cor 3:17-18
Note the key words: “veiled” vs “unveiled” , “transformed” and “glory”.
2Cor 3:17-18
Christian character - faith triggered life
On the other hand, we don't neglect Peter's letters: Christianity is an orderly life. But it has nothing to do with 10 commands. Peter says: Our faith brings new life, new character. Our faith had been rooted in His mercy. {see 1Pt 1:3-4 later, below} This Faith brings fruits. Here you can read an article: Peter's teaching about the royal priesthood and its character.In the years of the Exodus it was immediately obvious that there was a majority who looked to the visible and not to God, who was constantly with them in the desert and in their wanderings. This majority looked at the past and the tangible. Only Caleb and Joshua went into the land, occupying and preserving the land. They were walking with God personally, not according to their own human-invented principles but according to the Law plus the promises: The land was waiting for them! And this is a faith - triggered life.
None of those who have despised Me will see it. But since My servant Caleb has a different spirit and has followed Me completely, I will bring him into the land where he has gone, and his descendants will inherit it.
Num 14:23-24
Nowadays we have a new type of covenant. How much more must we fix our eyes on the status we have received and on the movements of the precious Holy Spirit! This vision demands character. But this character has multiple layers and nothing is being built on the Law. Peter says in 2Pt 1:3 that..
Num 14:23-24
His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him Who called us by His own glory and goodness.
By these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world.
You can clearly see the cause and effects here. In the following verses we are thought of layers of the Christian character:
make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness*,
goodness with knowledge,
knowledge with self-control,
self-control with endurance,
endurance with godliness,
godliness with brotherly affection,
and brotherly affection with love.
2Pt 1:5-7
*"arete" means excellence: proven,tested character
goodness with knowledge,
knowledge with self-control,
self-control with endurance,
endurance with godliness,
godliness with brotherly affection,
and brotherly affection with love.
2Pt 1:5-7
Therefore, brothers, make every effort to confirm your calling and election, because if you do these things you will never stumble. For in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly supplied to you.
2Pt 1:10-11
Come and trust in the Lord, dear Believer, so that you may enter this land and not wander in the wilderness!
2Pt 1:10-11
The Spirit helps us keeping our eyes open and fixed on the promised land. We have freedom to elaborate it. (2Cor 3:17)
New dynamic
The new shape of the Word
In the meantime, it is worth understanding that in the New Testament, God's Word, His Voice, works differently from the Old Testament system.Here, The Word of God is "the Word made flesh". It means that
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
The true light, who gives light to everyone,
was coming into the world.
The Wordbecame flesh
and took up residence among us.
We observed His glory,
the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father,
full of grace and truth.
John 1:1; 1:9; 1:14
If we insist on words or rules only, we remembered to refresh Isa 28. where - after rebuking them - the Mighty Gd said:
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
The true light, who gives light to everyone,
was coming into the world.
The Word
and took up residence among us.
We observed His glory,
the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father,
John 1:1; 1:9; 1:14
So He will speak to this people
with stammering speech
and in a foreign language.
He had said to them:
“This is the place of rest,
let the weary rest;
this is the place of repose.”
But they would not listen.
Then the word of the Lord came to them:
“Law after law, law after law,
line after line, line after line,
a little here, a little there,”
so they go stumbling backward,
to be broken, trapped, and captured.
Isa 28:10:13
with stammering speech
and in a foreign language.
He had said to them:
let the weary rest;
this is the place of repose.”
But they would not listen.
Then the word of the Lord came to them:
“Law after law, law after law,
line after line, line after line,
a little here, a little there,”
so they go stumbling backward,
to be broken, trapped, and captured.
Isa 28:10:13
Despite the "only scripture" - minded peoples the New Testament scripture clearly states that
He has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit produces life.
2Cor 3:6
Life is full with motion, action, breath, growth, gradual maturity. 2Cor 3:6
We know that he referred to the Jewish Law in contract with the Pentecostal intimacy. But Paul humbly emphasised that his whole new service is different from his earlier scholar life! His apostolic service depended on the Spirit. In dynamic actions.
But this new alliance involves more. As we learnt from the apostolic teaching: It is God's glory and deep relationship in the family - plus the seal of God's majestic Spirit.
Sadly: This is often almost impossible for someone with a "Calvinist background" to understand. Because "sola scripture" cannot be found in the Bible. The written records of prophecies always conveyed and conducted by the Holy Spirit. The New Testament Church has more intense co-working with the Spirit of God. The apostles had a calling by Jesus: "wait until the Spirit comes! Then you will be witnesses..." I am sending you what My Father promised... stay in the city until you are empowered from on high. (Luke 24:49; Act 1:4-5)
For those who project the work of the Holy Spirit back to historical times, this will always seem like mystical fanatism. But the Holy Spirit is the Seal for us. The mark and sign before the World. The down payment for the believers:
For those who project the work of the Holy Spirit back to historical times, this will always seem like mystical fanatism. But the Holy Spirit is the Seal for us. The mark and sign before the World. The down payment for the believers:
When you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed in Him, you were also sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. He is the down payment of our inheritance, for the redemption of the possession, to the praise of His glory.
Eph 1:13-14
He has also sealed us and given us the Spirit as a down payment in our hearts.
2Cor 1:22
Jesus Christ Eph 1:13-14
2Cor 1:22
you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Daddy!”
The Spirit Himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children, and if children, also heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ..
Rm 8:15-17
According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.
1Pt 1:3-4
The Spirit Himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children, and if children, also heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ..
Rm 8:15-17
1Pt 1:3-4
This is the teaching of Jesus. So Christian believers grow up not primarily in principle but in glory, in love, rooted in acceptance, belonging and restoration. They live in the heritage and progressive responsibility. This is how their giftedness will be seen in their new character. Fruits will only grow in this way, in a holy spirit: later it will be seen in the world.
· Luther about incessant faith
· The 1Pt 2:9
· Our Incarnate Word