Red & Poisonous

“And from this slumber you shall wake,
when true love's kiss, the spell shall break.”

The fairy tale on the Sleeping Beauty has been adapted countless times throughout history and retold by modern storytellers across various media. But we have two "awakening - by - Prince" stories. Almost every men and women are familiar with the © Disney versions of Sleeping Beauty and little Snow White. Although there are many similarities the basic stories come from different folklore backgrounds. Both of them are best known as a cartoon movie classics but you will also find surprising variations.. and interesting comparisons too.

In the previous article I wrote about the Sleeping Beauty's analogue. This topic is also very similar - with differences.
As for the Snow White story: In the best-known version, the young girl is repeatedly approached by her jealous, murderous stepmother, but the dwarves warn her not to trust anyone.
Despite all this ... Snow White finally ate the tempting apple: the seemingly good but poisonous red apple.
I think this is a very good image of the sin. Sin is not obviously ugly or suspicious. It is not the packaging that indicates its true nature but its source. Sin can be really pretty - with heavy consequences.

Cause and effect

Our Lord, Jesus explicitly informs and teaches us about the evil's plan. Though in his parable the trouble, the fault {the deadly sleepiness} comes before the trouble the connection is clear.
..while everybody was asleep, an enemy came and sowed zizanion...
Mt 13:24
Jesus's picture is surprisingly precise about the poisoning. A full article can be read here about the original meaning of the parable. But here in this page we want to focus on the princess' problem: the poison in the apple.
Meanwhile apple could be the healthiest fruit ever, looking good, tasting fantastic and demanding the next pick... our religious life is enthusiastically likes picking up the "apples" from unauthorised sources – sometimes like the apple of the knowledge of good and bad*, or sometimes a humble good looking or even commonly praised sort of apple...
In the Garden of Eden, though, the first pair of humans are munching on a not named fruit from the Tiger - Euphrates region.
Adam and Eve ran into a problem. But their problem became our trouble: The fruit was forbidden, God was disregarded. This is the essence of sin: all the poisons that Satan offers arise from its conviction that mankind is ignorant and indifferent to the thoughts intentions and true being of God. And the potion is what evil has offered/offers: death.
Anyway - we, humankind used to get apples from various plants – and they are not always the best... When we recognise that our community is a Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White, first we should know that there's an "unauthorised apple" nearby. {Maybe a lodged piece in the throat...}
To make matters worse, Satan has a whole (black) market for poisonous apples. And these apples are nice and tasty.

Apple Black-Market

Now let's look at the apples that seduce the congregation!
Principle - based community
Niche based community - elitism
Charismania - using the "Spirit"
Pseudo - Jewish customs and focus {walking according to the Law}
I talk/I sing (the one-man band)
Members Not just sheep
Timothy at all costs
Your Church represents the Body - No just a part of the body

Principle - based community

"the letter kills"
It seems to be the most commonly consumed apple. This temptation uses the vulnerable human nature: we want to find stability and safety. When people get together they obviously want to live according to a common set of values. We always make some minimal rules, even the most "liberal" religious movements follow certain norms to stay together at all. The weaker ones, of course, are always tearing themselves apart (a word is sometimes the cause of contention), and the absolute opposite of love, patience and burden bearing is practised to perfection.
Interestingly, most of us think that the Old Testament is the base of the Christian faith, and it is just a set of rules, contained in the 10 commandments.
This is wrong. The mosaic covenant was made with Israel by the same God who expects mercy and not sacrifice (Hos 6:6), who loves with an everlasting love(Jer 31:3), who is not pleased with the behaviour of people hiding behind rules and breaking laws. The latter is always characteristic of communities built on religious forms.
The article continues here
to the Market

Articles :
· The Zizanion
· The Sleeping Beauty
· The Creeping Plant

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