The natural and supernatural world


The situation (nowadays) can be best illustrated by the biblical image of the nations' behaviour, which, as a result of many wars, becomes like a raging sea that vomits up much disgusting rubbish and mud. Under such circumstances, the many evils and wickednesses hidden in the depths of man's soul become more and more apparent. We have witnessed many such manifestations in recent years.

It is very important that Christians have a real and personal communion with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Father. In the storms of this age and life, there is always a strong danger of drifting away. Faced with headwinds, one's direction in life often deviates from one's intended purpose and drifts in a direction not of one's own choosing. This threat can only be averted by a strong communion with the Lord, by knowing the enemy's intentions, and by fighting the noble battle of faith. So we can continue on the straight path.

The sharp division between the natural and supernatural worlds is merely a product of human reason: in reality, the two worlds cannot be rigidly separated. Many Christians are more influenced by philosophers and theologians than by Scripture. More than a few Christians believe that they can shape their destiny here on earth according to "common sense" without supernatural influence, and will only meet the supernatural when they leave this world.

But this is not at all how the Bible portrays man's destiny on earth. The supernatural is also present in the natural world, and the supernatural should not be thought of as a shadow existence, a spiritual reality, since the Scriptures say that it is also full of perfect, concrete beings...
Because the invisible is present in the visible, (Heb 11:3) human beings are connected with the supernatural world, and it is the main factor in shaping their destiny. Our behaviour often reflects a series of conflicts between God and Satan. The intensity of the clash between the two realms can be inferred from the way people think, behave, speak and conduct their lives. In times of deepening, intense conflict, people behave and speak more disturbingly than in calmer spiritual milieus.

The Christian world today is also going through a major trial, even a crisis. God is also confronting believers with watershed issues that reveal who has a mindset and values based on God's Word, and who is only superficially connected to Jesus Christ.

... I think Christianity has been given the opportunity to get back on its feet and fulfil Daniel's prophecy: 'A people who know their God will be encouraged and will act, and the wise will teach many. " (Dan 11:32-33) Victory over sin and lies must first be won on a personal level, and this can only be achieved through close cooperation with the Holy Spirit. We must not passively give in to the forces that shape our circumstances, for they will only push us down and make believers wingnuts. That is why it is important to examine what influences are moving us and in what direction. The point of alignment, the beacon: the Word of God.
The apostle Paul calls us to act and live by faith in God's Word after we are born again. Actions based on mere good intentions and desires are not time - standing values. Not all our intentions and purposes are in line with God's Word. Godly believers submit to God's Word because they know it carries the presence, nature, and power of the Lord, and the objects of faith, the unseen things, can be found in God's Word. What God wants to bless us with can be received through the Word.

Sándor Németh – Új Exodus
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