What is a Church?

{A Martyn Lloyd-Jones' sermon}

In this powerful sermon on the nature of the church, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines what truly constitutes the church according to New Testament teaching. He argues that the church is not merely a confession of faith on paper, but a living gathering of people who have been separated from the world and united together in Christ. Lloyd-Jones emphasizes that the church is made up of those who have undergone a radical spiritual transformation - experiencing conviction of sin, repentance, and new birth in Christ. This shared spiritual life creates an organic unity among believers that transcends all other earthly distinctions.
... He warns against dead orthodoxy and urges his listeners to examine whether they truly possess the life of God within. He highlights how the early church was characterized by a love for sound doctrine, genuine fellowship, joyful worship, and Spirit-empowered witness. ...
This sermon challenges listeners to move beyond mere religious formalism to experience the transforming reality of life in Christ's body, the church...
The details & the sermon can be found here

Transferred to The Reign of Grace
The assurance of faith
About Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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