Prayer Basics

Apostolic Instructions on Prayer,
and the technical meaning of "Christ".
First of all, then, I urge1 that
intercessions, and
be made for everyone2,
for kings and all those who are in authority,
so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life3 in all godliness and dignity.
This is good, and it pleases God our Savior,4 who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
For5 there is one God
and one mediator between God and humanity,
Christ Jesus, Himself human,
who gave Himself — a ransom for all6,
a testimony at the proper time.
I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument...7
1Tim 2:1-6,8 (Holman C.S.B.)
1 "I emphatically tell you.." It's not a command but a strong suggestion with apostolic authority.
2 "for everyone" means everyone. The next verses explain the social layers and responsibilities. Everyone need to be brought to the Throne of the Redeemer. Prayer has nothing to do with selfish & childish "me, me only" subjects.
3 Paul describes the fruits /results of the prayer in the two dimensions:
The existential, tangible "tranquil and quiet" life, then
The spiritual outcomes: life in "full godliness and dignity"
4 God = is our Savior. Paul draws a direct parallel between the Saviour and God. Gd's identity is creating life and saving life. Gd wants to save everyone and bring everyone into the truth ('knowledge' has not simply intellectual meaning in the Bible, rather a great intimacy.)
5 For.. This is one of the most important keyword here, explains the cause and effect in the exhortation.
In comparison of the pagan religions the real God is One (as the Abrahamic faith - family claims) and we have only one mediator. From this point we do have division between Muslims and Jews and Christians. This word here: for explains, why and how Jesus Christ "works" between Gd and the humanity. Moreover (point 4 shows us:) Gd Himself works in this work we experienced in Jesus Christ.
Here goes awry the multi - god - faith or the multi - mediator - faith which global culture infiltrated the early church after the unification of Emperor Constantine.
6 "ransom (or propitiation) for all" again, means: for all. Every single individual on the Earth has the possibility to get life in the Truth.
More importantly, Jesus' mediator position is unquestionably connected to his suffering and sacrifice. That's why we have no real intercessors on the other way. It is technically impossible to save someone without this everlasting sacrifice, and having insight and compassion for the interceding job (see : Heb 4:14-16) Other "gods" or "goddesses" can not be mediators for every people and before God Almighty since they aren't heavenlies, not involved in the sacrifice in human form, nor dedicated for that, by God Almighty.
7 Holy prayer presupposes a holy attitude and peaceful hearts without any influence of the evil. It takes effort and time for the preparation of the prayer. → There is rarely an instant prayer.

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