Is "Hesed" equal to "Agape"?
God is Love – 1/3 the two loves are linked
A study on divine love and the intertwined Christian character
Kindness and faithful love (hesed) pursue me every day of my life. I make my home in the house of YHWH for all time to come.
Psalm 23:6
For this is how God loved (agape) the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
John 3:16
Psalm 23:6
John 3:16
What is Hesed?
The word that is translated toLet me explain: Contracts concern material possessions, but covenants concern intangibles like honor and loyalty. In human relationships, Hesed means union, fidelity, and committment in the context of the marriage-covenant (Gen 24:49). When used between men or nations, it expresses the covenant bond of family loyalty or a treaty obligation (Gen 21:27; 1 Sam 11:1).
Hesed expressesIn the Old Testament the word Hesed expresses God's faithfulness to His covenant and the blessings and mercy He shows His obedient covenant people.
the covenant bond of family loyalty
or a treaty obligation
YHWH passed before Moses and called out.
"YHWH, YHWH, God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in faithful-love (hesed) and constancy, maintaining his faithful-love (hesed) to thousands, forgiving fault, crime and sin,yet letting nothing go unchecked, and punishing the parent's fault in the children and in the grandchildren to the third and fourth generation!"
Exo 34:6-7
A great and famous example of the usage of Hesed is the Psalm 136, here we can see the word 26 times. "YHWH, YHWH, God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in faithful-love (hesed) and constancy, maintaining his faithful-love (hesed) to thousands, forgiving fault, crime and sin,
Exo 34:6-7
Another well known example is Hos 2:19-21 as a marriage covenant for Israel:
"I shall betroth you to myself forever,
I shall betroth you in uprightness and justice, and faithful love (hesed) and tenderness."
Hos 2:19
(→ see also: Ex 20:6; Dt 5:10; 2 Sam 22:51; Ps 18:50; Jer 32:18.)I shall betroth you in uprightness and justice, and faithful love (hesed) and tenderness."
Hos 2:19
In this way, YHWH shows a covenant love and calls the humans for the same kind of commitment through the generations!
...I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Exod 20:5-6 → see also: Deut 5:10
The word Hesed also carries the idea of a loyal love that is always available whether the recipient is worthy or receptive to the one giving the love. This word also carries the idea that the one who is loving is bound by their own nature to love.
but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Exod 20:5-6 → see also: Deut 5:10
the Jewish nation hadBut now – we have a Good News.
a complex atonement system..
for the restoration of the Covenant
Jesus is more than Hesed!
But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Here comes the historic Romans 5:8
Jesus is Gd's love in flesh. He is the one
Jesus is Gd's love in fleshYou see,
He is the onewho loved us first
today: His love is un-conditional
For the LORD is good
and his love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues
through all generations.
and his love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues
through all generations.
- Chpt 2. Filia, Storge and Agape
- Chpt. 3. The breastpiece
- "Love" in the Scriptures (recommended)
- Desiring mercy-love
- Luther about incessant faith
- Submit to God's Righteousness
- The 'End' of the Law