The Stage – II. The Heavenly Role Model

As we previously saw, - Erik Satie's model has clearly demonstrated - the Stage and the Auditorium behave differently. We saw that the stage has a restraining influence in the post modern consumerist culture because it gives a strong entertaining message. It also showed that in such a situation the real, natural character of the actors does not necessarily cover/represent the message being shown. Important that actors are also influencers nowadays. Their lifestyle (above others) is a special way of life that presents unrealistic demands and rhythms of life for the average person. From the Christian viewpoint this is a carnal role model, the one who follows it, walks on the broad way, and this way triggers a lot of temptations. I don't think you have to wonder about the troubles and scandals of megachurches.
There is a stark contrast between today's fashionable consumer service to the people and the community of the Kingdom. We, Christians need to understand why Christ chose a very different model and we must learn that role model, because it creates a direct conflict with the aforementioned stage model.
At the same time, it is an indication of a different level of maturity: For example, if one simply (childishly) wants only to receive 'heavenly things' and puts oneself first in his/her prayers, or if one seeks God's will and especially his Glory and Kingdom. When Kingdom comes, His will be done and the person wants to work and live in sync with it. For Jesus' sake.

The Word became flesh..

Apostle John, the beloved, closest disciple was a Jewish man. When he says: "the word became flesh", he is not just using a symbol. The Hebrew word : "word" = "Devar" expresses a heavenly voice-word with power-in-action, and all these actions can be seen in the book of Genesis in its full glory.
With the coming of Jesus Christ the Devar became a real, tangible, visible, expressive and active truth in action. Theologians are quick to point out that the Greek Logos does not exactly cover the meaning of the Devar. Probably we must think about it again and again...
Just a thought. It is mainly from a Calvinist background that the believers' faith, especially their holy lives are "jammed" at the level of logic and reason. Logical Principles? Or can we called them theories? (Remember: Calvin came from the humanist culture, Luther came from the active priesthood. This is a sensitive, huge subject and there's no place here to touch it.., sorry!)
This logic centric life-form is often a serious disadvantage compared to New Testament thinking. The apostolic culture has 100% Hebrew roots. When we learn the meaning of the Devar we can move up to the level of spirit-led action, Spirit-filled representation of the Holy Word.

..became flesh and acts in the truth

There are several steps in the heavenly plan. But here, John outlines two steps in the plan of Redemption and the eternal Kingdom. Here, We are coming from the Old Testament, entering into the New Covenant, as he and his fellow apostles witness. The famous words in John 1:1 - familiar to all Christians - point primarily
· to the Messiah who has appeared, but also
· to the new, revealed dimension of the Devar what Jesus Christ represents in body. The new era means: the Word became flesh and there's no way back!
Jesus came from the Heaven, starting new life on the Earth. Let we see what the 2 steps mean here in John's gospel - with the result:
Color codes: when; where; result
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
(Now,) The Word became flesh
and took up residence (lit. 'tabernacled') among us.
(As a result,) We observed His glory,
the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father,
full of grace and truth.
Jn 1:1, 14
Grace and Truth? Well, the first one is more or less obvious. God's lavish grace has changed our miserable status before God. Meanwhile Truth, or more precisely real-truth, or reality has several meanings in the apostolic mindset. The word translated "truth" is aletheia, which most closely resembles our English word "reality." You can read an article about the real-truth here in the blog.
Well. Jesus himself identifies himself with truth-reality when he says:
"I am the way, the truth (reality in the original text), and the life".
If we walk according to certain principles – we don't work / walk according to Him. That's a theoretical life, like the Law. However, if we walk with Him, and in Him we learn the life He learnt and lived on the Earth. We learn how to see, to act, to judge (discern), to give mercy and grace: to participate in restoration.

As He sees, acts, judges, restores

Despite the media, TV and the Stage (the unreal domain), the things around us, the events and the whole Universe is controlled by God Himself. As He sees these things so He gives the believer the opportunity to see – and participate in the work of Creation and practically, in the restoration.
While the Stage gives beacon signs, visions and dreams - walking in Truth gives reality and discipline by the Spirit.


Eventually we can say that the only person who is realist and who can see "the things as they are" is God. He is a real realist from the Heavenly perspective. With His timeless, everlasting glory and omnipotent knowledge and wisdom He can discern everything & everyone rightly. He was/is/will be "God who sees" (Ps 33:13-15.18; Jer 17:9)
I think We should be concerned about our weakness when struggling the sneaky approach of the surrounding world. Good news that Gd in His mercy has given His mighty and everlasting Holy Spirit for the better understanding and better knowledge. The Spirit gives wisdom because He is the Wonderful Counselor (Isa 9:6; John 16:8) Jesus has sent the Spirit for us, establishing intimate community, giving comfort, and life in the Truth, offering wisdom in a very practical, active way.
I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you.
When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment..
Jn 16:7
i - ii

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