Sound Repairing
Sound Restauration & Clean Up


 Re exploring Your Treasures

Fading family memories?
Malfunctioning recording devices?
Strong wind during Your remarkable summer trip?
Dear old vinyl?

Well, maybe there is a place where "your precious" could be cured.
Enhancing, restoring audio quality from the analogue or digital domain has always been difficult. Everything depends on the condition and the complexity of the source material. The method, sometimes brings unwanted side-effects...
BUT We have a Good News.
Nowaday digital processing can achieve remarkable improvements, helping you out of many pain, loss, tech. problems that used to be concerned as ‘I have to live with this’.
This Service has been working with he best of surgical software applications and offers various solutions.


There is no successful technical method for restoring heavily compressed, distorted MP3 soundfiles or equivalents, like Recordings of the Zoom meeting. The heavy loss of Quality will remain audible.
Nevertheless, a noisy & windy sound track in your Favourite Home Movie Clip or an old vinyl track with pops can be mended by 70-90%!
Just give Yourself a Try!




Your investment always depends on the task. The only question is: Whether You want Higher Quality (which means more time & elaborative technic) -- or Lower Outcome.
There is no so called "slow" or "fast" method, only different details & computation time. 

Payment methods:

Various way has been offered for the casual payment. For further information please CLICK for the Payment Page! {Wise / PayPal}

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