The " Influential " series - Part One From the first days of his earthly ministry, Jesus proclaimed the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. More precisely, he announced that his Kingdom had arrived. It has many manifestations in the invisible and visible world. The dynamic of the Kingdom basically: the life, ability and power of the King: The God Almighty . The better we understand His character and abilities, the better we represent his Kingdom in the visible world. The apostolic teaching says: By faith we understand that the universe* was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Heb 11:3 {ESV} *Lit. “we understand that the ages of the world (aions) were created by the word of God, so that out of the invisible came the visible.” Here is an important connection between aion and the Word of God The Holman translation is more specific: By faith we understand that the univers
by David Guzik – David Guzik vagyok, és ma egy rövid áhítati gondolat erejéig azt szeretném felolvasni, amit a Szent Szellem Pál apostol által mondott az Efézus 6. fejezetének 13. versében, ahol ezt olvassuk: vegyétek fel az Isten fegyverzetét, hogy ellenállhassatok a gonosz napon, és mindent leküzdve megállhassatok. Ef 6:13 {NT HU} Pál már az Efézus 6. fejezet 11. versében, két verssel korábban bevezette az Isten teljes fegyverzetének gondolatát. A következő versekben pedig részletezte az Isten fegyverzetéhez kapcsolódó konkrét elemeket. Ebben a versben, az Efézus 6, 13. versben egyszerűen elmondja, hogy mi a lelki harc és Isten fegyverzetének fő célja. Egyszerűen azt mondta, hogy azért kaptuk a lelki fegyverzetet, hogy képesek legyetek ellenállni a gonosz napon, és mindent megtéve megállni. Ez leírja, hogy mire használjuk Isten erejét és Isten fegyverzetét. Látjátok, Pál elsődleges képe nem az, hogy a keresztény kimegy és megtámadja a lelki ell
God is Love – 1/3 the two loves are linked A study on divine love and the intertwined Christian character Kindness and faithful love (hesed) pursue me every day of my life. I make my home in the house of YHWH for all time to come. Psalm 23:6 For this is how God loved (agape) the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16 What is Hesed? The word that is translated to “faithful love” is the Hebrew word “ Hesed (or ' checed' ).” This word is translated in other places as “kindness,” “faithfulness,” “mercy,” “goodness,” “loyalty,” and “steadfast love.” God's love for His covenant people in the Old Testament is expressed by the Hesed . This love expressed in the Hebrew texts as hesed we'emet for example in Gen 24:49; 32:11; 47:29; Ex 34:6; Jos 2:14; 2 Sam 2:6; 15:20. However hesed has a narrower definition than the English word " love ". In th