The Birth of The Music
T he music – the audible music – starts with a raw material, chosen by the manufacturer. The wood, the plank was chosen to be a violin. Not only for its beauty and flawlessness but also for the tradition of man's craft. This gives birth to the Art, gives birth to the shape and elegance, gives birth to the music.
It's a well-known story when a violinist gives a concert in the Italian home county of the violin. In the morning, he starts his daily practice at his lodgings and, completely stunned, suddenly stops. He has a "different violin" in his hand. The violin that has come home.
Of course, the smart egg-heads will tell you that this is related to the wood's home environment, the humidity, the air and the temperature. But... we musicians know: it's much simpler, than that. The violin is at home and now all the wonders that the master dreamed into the shape centuries ago are at once become audible in the almost tangible and new dimensional music and sound. Amatis, Guarnieris and Stradivaries are not special because of their price tag. It is their timelessness what radiates miracle. They always have that extra music that only the greatest artists bring out. But even the greatest master stands in awe when the instrument blossoms – in his Home.
This is exactly how it works with us human creatures, in our lives. We often make and play very beautiful "music" {whatever activity we mean by that}. Other times we are completely "out of tune" - but we can't hear it. However, when we are placed in the original environment of our Creator - everything changes.
Our Redeemer, our Master of Restoration did not bring "guidelines" to the Heaven, like other religions and Prophets.
He is the Guide and The Voice.
He will tune our soul.
He will tune our spirit.
He is The Door heavenward.