About ID

by Simon Elliott – Everyday Church, London The foundation of Identity The first foundation we must examine is the one of Identity. Our identity matters. Identity works on a number of levels. At times we have to prove our identity in order to allow us to borrow money, pass through customs, get on a plane. In these cases, we are simply persuading someone that we have certain rights of passage or trustworthiness. It’s the identity that can be stolen from us by scam artists, etc. Obviously, serious though identity theft might be, what we are talking about here is something deeper. Andrew Bunt in his excellent book “Finding Your Best Identity” defines identity like this: “Identity is our controlling self-understanding. All of us live with a concept of who we really are and what we believe to be most fundamental and important about us. This is a self-understanding. It’s how we understand our self…. Something that is true of us only becomes our identity when it becomes core...