

One thing is absolutely needful for the Church

"I believe that at this present moment, God's people ought to cry to him day and night that there may be a fresh baptism into the Holy Ghost. There are many things that are desirable for the Church of Christ, but one thing is absolutely needful, and this is the one thing, the power of the Holy Ghost in the midst of his people. " Charles Spurgeon

The zeal of the Lord

The zeal of the Lord is God’s divine jealousy with which He operates to protect and restore His people: “For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this” Isaiah 37:32 (see also 2 Kings 19:31; Zechariah 1:14; 8:2). This zeal is the foundation for God’s demand for exclusive loyalty, as expressed in the Ten Commandments. God prohibits His worshippers from bowing down to any other gods (Exodus 20:3–5; see also Exodus 34:14; Deuteronomy 5:9). He alone is our God. In His jealous zeal for us, God cannot conceive of His beloved children offering their affection or allegiance to any other: “For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” Deuteronomy 4:24 (see also Joshua 24:19). The zeal of the Lord seeks a response of faithfulness and obedience from His people. It does not accept disloyalty. When Israel turned from Yahweh to serve foreign gods, the Lord became jealous for His ...

Rábeszélni minket a megadásra

David Guzik – ... a Rabsaké azt mondta nekik: „Üzenetet hoztam Asszíria királyától Ezékiásnak. Mondjátok meg uratoknak: »Azt mondja Asszíria nagy királya: Ugyan miben reménykedsz? Azt hiszed, van elég erőd és bölcsességed, hogy harcolj ellenem? Ez csak üres fecsegés! Kiben bízol, hogy fellázadtál ellenem? Talán Egyiptom segítségében? Hiszen olyan az, mint a törött nádszál! Támaszkodj csak rá, majd meglátod, hogy felhasítja a tenyered! Bizony, ilyen a fáraó, Egyiptom királya azok számára, akik benne bíznak! ... «” Ézsaiás könyvének 36. és 37. fejezete leírja az Úr munkáját a szíriai fenyegetéssel szemben. Mindezek a dolgok az istenfélő Ezékiás király uralkodása alatt történtek Júdában Kr. e. 700-ban. ... Láthatjuk ebben a helyzetben Izrael ellenségeinek rút arroganciáját és a Júda népének és vezetőinek szívében felemelkedő kétségbeesést. ... a Rabsake nem név, hanem a szíriai hadsereg egyik tábori parancsnokának címe volt. A Rabsake a szíri...

Talking us into surrender

David Guzik – ..the Rabshakeh said to them (Judah), “Say to Hezekiah, ‘Thus says the great king, the king of Assyria: On what do you rest this trust of yours? Do you think that mere words are strategy and power for war? In whom do you now trust, that you have rebelled against me? Behold, you are trusting in Egypt, that broken reed of a staff, which will pierce the hand of any man who leans on it. Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust in him...‘” Isaiah 36:4-6 Isaiah chapter 36 and 37 describes the Lord's work against the Syrian threat.. All these things happened during the reign of the godly king Hezekiah in Judah 700 BC. ... We can see the ugly arrogance of the Israel's enemies, and the raising despair in the hearts of the people and leaders of Judah. ... the Rabshakeh was not a name but a title of a field commander of the Syrian army. He was there to represent the Syrian king. He challenged the servants of king Hez...

God's Highway of Holiness

Daily devotion from David Guzik – Today let's talk about God's highway of holiness. I'm going to read you from Isaiah chapter 35 verse 8 where we read. A highway shall be there and a road and it shall be called the highway of holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for others, whoever walks the road although a fool shall not go (astray). Most of us today take good roads for granted. We may have to live with the frustrations of endless road construction, detours and delays, but it's all for the purpose of giving us good, safe roads. We travel today over distances and at speeds that were absolutely unthinkable for people in the ancient world and we rarely think that it's something special. But in the ancient world it was different. A good road was a remarkable technological achievement. A good road meant trade, progress and security. A good road cost a lot of money to make and to maintain and most people traveled ...