You Must Choose!

HU version

There are two yachts above, in the picture. You have an opportunity to choose & use one. You don't have to pay for that but you have a responsibility to go with her, safely.

Both are luxury yachts.
If you got a chance, which one would you use?

Sounds great! However, there is a significant difference between their usage. The ship in the back doesn't need much sense: you press the button and devour the fuel.
The double mast, which is floating in front, has the same value. Except ... She requires expertise, experience and heart. Knowing the winds. The currents. The sea. Living with the medium you are in.
Which one will you choose?

The motor yacht is the picture of the carnal man. "My will. My goals. My vision."
The sailing yacht is the way of the spiritual man. I must watch the breeze or the roar of the wind, to go so that I do not know... 1st the way of the wind – and I will (always) learn its nature. And become more & more skilled in this.

Jesus Christ teaches Nicodemus, the Sage, the Scribe of the Scriptures, in this way:

Jn 3:7-8
"Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."

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